Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Exploring Flickr

In my adventures this week I worked with Flickr. I attempted to upload photos that I had and was unsuccessful because the files were too large. I then looked at some recently added photos on Flickr and found some topics that interested me. My favorite part of this activity was a trip down memory lane to some locations I visited in Europe. I was able to see that some changes had taken place since I was there.

Some of the people who posted photos European locations also posted other more unusual things. One person took a photo of a video camera and various types of food and posted those. I began to speculate on why these things were important to them since there was no information given as to the reason why they were included.

I continued working and found a 3rd party site that included both recipes for Vietnamese food as well as a restaurant guide. I also looked at some mashups and found the combinations interesting. On to bigger and better things next week.


Dances With Keyboards said...
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Dances With Keyboards said...

Oops - I addressed the last comment to "Heidi!"

Now that you have started your blog, be sure to visit each of the 23 Things and work through the "discovery exercise" for each.

Email me if you have any questions, or call, or you can schedule some time with me in the training lab here in Abingdon, if your branch's schedule will allow.

Kathy said...

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I am not having any serious problems and I'm enjoying working through the bumps in the road when I come to them.